In order to meet the growing global demand for well-educated, skilled and trained seafarers, ship owners are looking for additional sources for crew supply.

The Maritime Education and Human Resource Center (in short : UT-STC) located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam offers suitable solutions for this demand. The Center is existing since 2005 and became fully operational in 2006 when the bridge-, cargo- and engine room simulators were installed.

Through practical training, development of skills and improving of competencies, the Center is a hot point to crew manning, supply and export of seafarers to international ship owners.


The basic principle of the UT-STC is that personnel is well-educated only when it has the right combination of knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitude. This applies to young employees who have just finished their professional education as well as to experienced personnel who either must keep up with the process of innovation and change or have higher aspirations.

This basic assumption distinguishes the UT-STC from other educational institutes and training centers.

The UT-STC does not only provide knowledge, but creates the appropriate setting for practical education and training in which students and course participants can reach the desired competence level.

Joint Venture

The Center UT-STC is a joint venture between Vietnam and The Netherlands, between the University of Transport (UT) in HCMC and the STC-Group in Rotterdam.

The UT HCMC has a well-known maritime education faculty, delivering over 200 maritime officers annually.

STC-Group in Rotterdam is a globally operating maritime training institute, with over 25 years of experience in providing education, training, consultancy, advice and applied research for the shipping, logistics and port-related industry sectors.

STC-Group started its operations in Vietnam in 1994 providing education, training, consultancy, advice and applied research for the Vietnamese shipping, logistic and port-related industry sectors.