To conduct the STCW training courses in accordance with the requirements, the Center has the following facilities and equipment at its disposal:

  • Full mission bridge simulator STC Group – Diomedea (2 bridges; STCW compliant);
  • Engine room simulator Kongsberg;
  • Cargo simulator Kongsberg;
  • ECDIS simulator;
  • GMDSS simulator;
  • Fire fighting site;
  • Life saving – wet training area;

For all training courses, the curricula, scenarios, exercises and assessments are STCW compliant and have been developed in close consultation with the STC-Group in The Netherlands.



The training staff of the Center consists of highly qualified and experienced instructors from both the University of Transport in HCMC as well as experienced seafarers from the professional field.

Before working for the Center they participated in trainer courses performed by Dutch maritime specialists and have attended numerous refresher courses at the STC-Group since 1995 both in Rotterdam and in HCMC.


On the Diomedea full mission bridge simulators a wide range of options are available.

Areas (a.o.):

  • Dover Strait
  • Singapore Strait
  • San Diego and approaches
  • Rotterdam and other Dutch ports
  • Curacao
  • Bremerhaven
  • South African ports
  • Vietnamese ports and rivers

Further a wide range of vessels is available with various types of propulsion and rudders.


Via dedicated ship handling exercises and scenarios the trainee will be able to improve his skills.